Our Services
Funeral Services
A funeral provides the opportunity for family and friends to bid farewell to a loved one or fond associate. While respectively
acknowledging the life of the deceased it allows the grief process to begin and ensures that a proper legal burial or
cremation occurs. Upon making contact, one of our caring staff will gently but progressively ascertain your wishes
culminating in a thoughtful and dignified funeral service.
Church and Burial Service
This involves a religious ceremony at a church of chosen faith wherein a casket is present. At the conclusion of the church
service the cortege (hearse with casket and attendees) will travel to either a cemetery or crematorium for a burial or
Graveside only service
A graveside service can be officiated by clergy, a celebrant or family member as desired. Whilst not conducted in a
church, the ceremony chosen may be a traditional religious service, a partly religious service, or non-religious in nature. A
graveside service is often chosen in accordance with the wishes of the deceased reflecting their desire for a less formal
farewell. However, it is still a dignified affair often including marquee, music, chairs, pa system and sometimes with a
bagpiper or singer present.
Cremation Service
A cremation may be the manner in which you or your loved one has elected to deal with physical remains. The cremation
often follows a church service, or alternatively, it can take the form of providing an attended chapel service wherein a
casket is present. The ceremony may be officiated by clergy, a celebrant, a family member, or possibly just a non-
officiated period wherein attendees can spend time in the presence of the casket prior to cremation.
War Veteran's Services
Irrespective of whether it is a church, graveside, or chapel/cremation ceremony, Watkins Funeral Directors will at the
families request, incorporate a War Veterans Service. This usually involves the Australian flag being spread over the
casket; removal and folding thereof in a dignified fashion; a reading of the deceased war record and oath by a
representative of the RS, and playing the last post and revellie.