Quite apart from the questions that the funeral director will ask of you in order to arrange a funeral, it is also necessary to acquire the following information for the purpose of legally registering the death with the Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages •full name•last known address•last known occupation•date and place of birth•date and place of death•father's name•father’s occupation•mother's maiden name•mother’s occupation•marital status at time of death•details of all marriages, where, when and to whom•names and dates of birth of children, including legally adopted or stillborn children as well as any who have died
There is no right or wrong answer to the question - to view or not to view. Whilst it is often perceived as an unpleasant experience, viewing the deceased in a calm and tranquil environment can be very therapeutic and helpful to the grieving process. One family member may have a real need to view, another may wish to hold on to living memories. Either way, the option is available and should be discussed openly with your funeral director and close family members.The embalming process is necessary in certain circumstances. Your funeral director can guide you, depending on your personal requirements.